Examples of Special Instructions
Instructions to Office Staff
Member reliably reads their email
Mary uses a walker
Jason uses wheelchair; volunteer must be able to lift the wheel chair (25 lbs) and have room in trunk.
Joyce uses a cane
Heidi is a very slow walker
Susan enters and leaves through garage. Pick up from driveway
Pick up Lilly around the corner on Oak Street, not at front door on Grove Street.
Elaine has handicap parking sticker. Remember to return it at the end of the service.
Call Robert 30 minutes before pickup time
Friendly visits for Ernie should be limited to one hour
Don't let Ann's cat out when opening the door
Bertha (daughter) manages Mary's appointments, call Bertha @ (555)322-1234 instead of Mary
Best way to contact Maria is via text messages to cell phone
Don't assume that leaving VM or email is sufficient to contact Lisa