We provide sample web pages that can be easily tailored to your Village and modified based on your Village's needs. We have sample documents in the library and sample processes and procedures for running your Village.
What's Included
The contents are based on the "Best Practices" of several successful Villages and contributed by experienced users who are interested in helping new Villages get to launch quickly.
The template includes a suggested committee structure and describes each committee's responsibilities. Your Village may be all-volunteer, have paid staff, or be a combination of both. But no matter who does them, all of the processes described must still be performed.
A small, but consistent set of documents supporting the practices on which this template is based are included in the template library. An even larger collection of sample documents is available from the Village to Village Network library.
You should also seek mentoring by volunteers from existing Villages who are familiar with the tools described. We can be reached at RMVusers@vtvnetwork.org.
Specifically, the template:
· Provides a consistent set of starting values and parameters for many of the choices that you need to make. The choices can be easily changed immediately or later on as your Village’s preferences change.
· Provides sample webpages that you can use as a starting point for your website. You can simply substitute text and pictures of your own into the sample pages to make this website your own.
· Lays out sample menus for the public, for members and for office staff to navigate between the Village’s webpages (and even external pages). Here, too, it is easy for the Village to change the menus.
· Provides procedural details, including some flow charts, descriptive materials, submenus and links to various built-in modules.
· Provides some instructions identifying choices that other Villages have made in setting up their RunMyVillage applications and identifies some of the concepts that the new Village should be considering when setting up its application.
· Provides a sample volunteer recruitment brochure and volunteer orientation presentation.
· Provides sample emails that can be copied,
The template can be used by new Villages to set up their initial website, or by existing Villages, using RunMyVillage for the first time, who will import data about existing members and volunteers.
Many of the decisions that you need to make are policy and process decisions made by your steering committee or your Board of Directors. Examples are:
What are the membership types and fees?
What volunteer services will you provide?
Which by services are performed by volunteers and which by contractors?
What types of events will you have?
Do you want to have a membership directory that members can use to learn about each others?
What will be your transportation policy?
Some decisions can be implemented immediately while others are still being decided. The documentation helps identify some of the decisions that might be overlooked by the policymakers unless the choices are pointed out.
This template has made some of the decisions in order to make functioning website.
We have assumed you will want single and household memberships, and a social/supporting membership. We have also created a staff membership for either paid staff or volunteers who will be using the software. The fee levels are yours to decide, and you can eliminate or add to the types of membership.
We have assumed a typical set of services to be offered. The list of volunteer services was developed through an informal survey of operating villages in the VtV Network a number of years ago. Your circumstances my cause you to add to or remove services from the list. The list of contractor services came from one or two villages. These services all have names that begin with $ such as "$ Auto Repair" and are all in the category "$ Referrals"
We believe that in planning for and implementing your website, most new Villages will want to work with an experienced mentor from a Village that has been using the application. You can ask for a mentor by contacting RMVusers@vtvnetwork.org.
Most Villages will be setting up their RunMyVillage application over a period of several months. This template is the starting point for that effort and will be used only once.
We are very committed to improving the template over time and encourage each new Village using it to make recommendations for improving it.