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HomeEvent Management

Event Management

Each proposed event is assigned to an event coordinator who is supported by an administrative coordinator and a publicity coordinator. The coordinators may be either paid staff or volunteers and may, in fact, be the same person in two or more roles.

The event coordinator designs the program. He or she makes arrangements with the speaker, including the date, time, and location. He or she determines the audiovisual needs of the presenter and whether the venue has the proper equipment. The planner/coordinator determines whether there is a charge for the venue and/or presenter and sets the cost for registrants. 

The event coordinator prepares bullet points as the basis for the program announcement. 

The publicity coordinator and or the administrative coordinator uses the bullet points to prepare the email announcement email , and where appropriate, an article for the Village newsletter and a custom page custom page on the website with a link from the Home Page.

The administrative coordinator determines whether a unique paper mailing is required or whether there is enough time to include the event in the newsletter (which could be mailed to members without email). If required, a print out of the custom page is mailed to members without email addresses. 

The initial email program announcement is mailed to members and non-member volunteers. A second announcement is sent to others in the database excluding press. Subsequent announcements are sent to the entire database only if the program has not reached capacity. A reminder email is sent to registrants requesting that they notify us if they are unable to attend. Waiting lists are maintained if programs reach capacity.

Weeks prior to event




The event’s coordinator designs the program. He or she makes arrangements with the speaker, including the date, time, and location. He or she determines the audiovisual needs of the presenter and whether the venue has the proper equipment.The planner/coordinator determines whether there is a charge for the venue and/or presenter and sets the cost for registrants.

Event Coordinator


Prepare bulleted points for the announcemnt.

Event Coordinator


Use the bullet points to prepare content for email, newsletter article, and event webpage.

Event Coordinator


Prepare the email announcement, place the article in the Village newsletter and a generate custom page in website with a link from the Welcome Page.

Admin Coordinator


Send initial email to members and volunteers.
Update website and add links to member's home page. Add event to the Village online calendar

Admin Coordinator


Send second email to all in database except the press.

Admin Coordinator


Send third email to all in database. Send out press release. Place PSAs

Admin Coordinator


Send Confirmation Notices to Registrants

Admin Coordinator


Identify person to introduce speaker

Event Coordinator


Assign volunteer greeters to register attendees and give out name tags

Admin Coordinator


Coordinate refreshments

Admin Coordinator

1 day

Print name tags and sign up sheets for walkins.
Assemble promotional materials, signs,
volunteer and membership brochures, signup sheets, applications,
refreshment supplies.

Admin Coordinator

1 day after

Move event link from home page to recent events page on website

Admin Coordinator

1 day after

Record attendance

Admin Coordinator

5 days after

Follow up with interested people for volunteers and membership

Membership director and volunteer coordinator

The administrative coordinator enters the program as an event on the Village calendar.  Event Manager

Members can register themselves for the event. Call Managers (office staff) register people who call or email the Village to attend the event. Event RegistrationRegistrants who call the office and leave a voicemail message are called to confirm their registration. The software system also automatically sends an email confirmation to anyone who registers.  If an event has been designed to allow members to request a ride to the event, online registrants who request a ride will automatically have a service request generated for a ride to the event.  

Mastering our smart phones and tablets at the Charles Santore Library in Bella Vista