The first step is to get the minimum contact information into the database and tagged as a “potential member” in the non-members database.Enter phone and email This can be done by the outreach person who conducts a public meeting, an event administrator who has a sign up sheet at an event open to the public, a call manager who answers the phone, or by someone on the member intake team.
Member intake needs to contact each person who expresses interest, preferably within a day or two. Get Phone Number of Potential Members This brief phone call serves to screen out those who are ineligible, (wrong age, not in the service area, misperception about what the Village does). Some Villages have two tiers of membership, one receiving services and one that is a social membership which is also sometimes called a supporting membership. In general, there is no need for an in-home interview for social or supporting memberships, so these people are admitted as soon as they fill out the paperwork and pay their dues.
For full memberships (those receiving services), a more in-depth interview is required. This is needed to ensure that the member understands the limitations of the services that the village performs, as well as to let them know the needed advanced notice and how to request services.
Members also need to learn about anticipated Village events, the how to join activities, and what group activities are currently open to new members. Some Villages run an “ambassadors program where existing members welcome and guide new members. Others hold a welcome party for new members.
If the new member has paid by check, the check needs to be forwarded to the treasurer for deposit. In general, memberships are annual, but provision can be made for monthly or quarterly payments.
The membership team collects information about the member and is responsible for entering it into the database as "Additional Member Data". For more information on what needs to be collected see see the section on Special Instructions.